Friday, December 14, 2018

See something in the cinema, do something in the world

This weekend the Lebanese film Capernaum (Capharnaum) receives its release in cities across the United States.  It’s already been in Lebanese cinemas and on the festival circuit for a number of months and has collected a growing tally of accolades (including a Golden Globe nomination for best foreign picture).  Director Nadine Labaki is firmly established as a leader in Middle Eastern film and I believe that she has crafted something very important in Capernaum.  To my international friends, I do hope the film is showing somewhere near you.  Capernaum does not aim to entertain but rather open your eyes (and hopefully your heart) to the painful realities facing human lives in our world today. In the following I briefly present some of the reasons why I urge you to take the time and effort to see this film. 

 It is a true story about Lebanon
Lebanon has been my home for over a decade and it is where my family and I have every intention to spend our future.  It’s a small country- about 2/3 the size of Connecticut- of fascinating complexities, a collection of many lebanons within a single Lebanon.  The myriad of social, religious and historical dynamics at play here make it a confounding and yet extremely alluring corner of the world. Capernaum is a story about Lebanon.  It does not tell the whole story- in fact it features none of the things that are considered so iconic Lebanese- but it certainly presents a very raw portrayal of the lived experience of countless within Lebanese. 

Capernaum is unique for me in that my own experiences are very much removed from those portrayed and yet it does hit close to home on different levels.  My work with at-risk children and poverty alleviation has brought me into engagement with a number of the issues, places and case types presented in the film (and from my experience I can say with confidence that it does not take artistic license but rather provides and accurate depiction of what is happening in Lebanon).  It was painful to watch the story on the big screen knowing full well that this is not a fictitious tale; the film ends and the credits role but I know the unsettling content continues to be the real story for people across Lebanon.  Capernaum shows us a part of Lebanon that is not often presented but certainly always exists. If you are wondering why Kids Alive Lebanon exists, the film stands as a compelling argument.

-          It depicts the nightmare of statelessness
My passion for statelessness is constantly stirred by the magnitude of its assault on the lives of its victims.   I’ve become well acquainted with the problem via research, writing and personal outreach, and I am continually perplexed by the depth and dimensions of the issue.  Capernaum portrays the sheer gravity of statelessness in a compelling way as primary characters face life in the absence of official documentation and identity.  The stateless are effectively invisible in a legal sense and suffer a lack of protections, rights and human dignity.  Statelessness is a trap and we see in Capernaum how much it undermines any chance for a healthy life. In fact the very last image of the film is a touching statement that so much of life and hope is indeed tied to the possession of a legal identity.  If the film unsettles us (and it certainly should) then the fact that millions of people are stateless and denied legal belonging in this world should unsettles us even more.  Capernaum shows us the predicament in a powerful way.

-          It has outstanding performances
I highly doubt the Academy Awards will give Oscars for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor to children, but there’s certainly a case for it here.  The performances by the two primary actors (one a Syrian refugee minor and the other a migrant toddler) will haunt you as you watch innocent humanity struggle against the cruel injustice of our world.  For a father of young children there were times in the film when the hopelessness and misery endured by children was too much to take in.  These are performance that will haunt you.

-          It effectively considers the many intersecting issues of poverty in Lebanon
Within its 2 hour runtime Capernaum manages to provide a wide-ranging introduction to many of the social, legal and humanitarian issues that intersect against Lebanon’s poor and vulnerable.  Some of those featured include child exploitation, displacement, human trafficking, migrant rights, drug trade, gaps in the legal and penal systems, and access to education and healthcare.  In the weeks since viewing the film my personal reflections have identified more and more social currents that run through the film. It truly is a nuanced examination of poverty in Lebanon, and the many layers of the issues are presented in a masterful way. 

-          It will stir a discussion.
I want to be clear about something: Capernaum is not a perfect film.  There are aspects of the film and its message that must be scrutinized, such as a point made explicitly and inexplicitly that the suffering of children in extreme poverty is primarily the fault of parents who insist on having children when they should not.  Even so, none of its faults should cause us to dismiss this film.  There is a wealth of material to facilitate important discussions about society, justice, poverty, human rights and the compassion for the marginalized and suffering. 

For over a decade I have been privileged to serve at-risk children in Lebanon.  It has been a most meaningful experience but there are still many times when I ask myself, “why am I doing this?” The question arises from the many challenges we face here in Lebanon as well as my own personal inclination to simply submit things within and around me to thorough rounds of questioning.  A complete answer will never be attainable, but there are many answers that prove sufficient.  Capernaum is one such answer.  It shows us the problems that exist around us and the people that suffer in silence (this is true whether you live in Lebanon or anywhere else), and we are left with the opportunity to be part of the solutions. I so often fall back on the realization that I do what I do because I have the opportunity to do so, and I see God and his kingdom in these opportunities.  I hope you have the opportunity to see Capernaum.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Displacement, Piglet and a beautifully painful path

Displacement is painful.  This should not come as a surprise to anyone.  The catastrophe of being forcibly uprooted from home and cast out into a wilderness of a world is among the most harrowing of human tragedies.  Unfortunately we are seeing this pain lived out at a massive scale today as historic numbers of individuals suffer forced migration.  This drama of displacement has unfolded in an unprecedented scale in Lebanon where an estimated quarter of residents are displaced.  For the millions of refugees from Palestine, Syria, Iraq and other places, the pain of existing “out of place” in this world impairs every aspect of life.  The pain of displacement is not limited to the displaced.  Those hosting displaced populations, whether willingly or reluctantly, daily bear the widespread burdens it brings.  Again, we see this on display in Lebanon in profound ways.  Resources have been stressed, social cohesion has been threatened and patience has run thin under the weight of the ongoing ordeal.  That said, hosting refugees, even in large numbers, is not without the potential for benefits, but it certainly does present pressures that are felt in very real ways.  The bottom line is this: displacement is a game where there are no winners.  Everyone loses.  This all leads to a very painful predicament that I see presented all around me, including in some unexpected places.

My children have recently been enjoying the classic Disney film Winnie the Pooh. As they discover the characters and story for the first time, I have been rediscovering a familiar part of my own childhood. It’s fun to see scenes and sequences from long ago that have remained vividly in my mind.  It’s also interesting to watch with fresh lenses and find meaning in a simple children’s story that profoundly speaks to complicated issues of today. This has been the case in one particular excerpt.

The scene takes place in the aftermath of a massive flood in the Hundred Acres Woods that left our characters temporarily displaced and the pontificating Owl with no home to return to.  Pooh Bear is credited with saving Piglet from near-drowning during flood and Christopher Robin throws a hero party to celebrate the unintentional feat of rescue.  It is during this celebration of Pooh’s heroics that Eeyore arrives and takes events in an unexpected direction.  Check it out:

The pain of Piglet (and the general awkwardness felt by the other characters) reflects a sensation that is a real part of human displacement.  Displacement invariably disrupts things for those fleeing disaster and for those receiving the distressed.  The crisis arises from complicated events and proves to add layers of complications.  Displacement is never black and white, never a situation that can be cleanly cut.  The entire situation is perplexing and some react to it by erecting walls around a flimsy sense of nationalism and digging heels into an empty belief in law and order.  There is no disputing displacement’s pain, but many opt to respond to this pain but shutting it out.  We all face Piglet’s predicament in some measure (a predicament where some measure of personal sacrifice is required) and we all too often listen to the voices telling us to take a stand.  “Tell them it’s your country, your race, your culture, your way of life.”  But some choose a different way.  Some choose to be heroes.

Since its founding in 1948 Dar El Awlad has been engaged in ongoing ministry to victims of displacement.  Outreach to refugee, stateless, internally displaced and migrant children has never been a banner waving over our heads but it has always been the natural outcome of living out a mission to rescue at-risk children from desperate situations.  There’s never been a question of whether or not it should it be done, it has simply been done. Doing so has fostered a unique ministry community that testifies to 70 years of blessings. God instructs us to welcome the stranger and care for the vulnerable.  He commands this because doing so offers a glimpse of God’s dream for humanity to dwell together in the manifestation of His kingdom.  Kids Alive Lebanon has been doing it for decades and continues to find innovative ways to increase ministry to at-risk children and victims of displacement.  This has always been the right thing to do, but it has never been easy.

I have the privilege of being surrounded by a host of heroes who have taken Piglet’s path of sacrifice in some way or form.  They have opened their eyes and hearts to needs around them and have given selflessly to help children gain bits and pieces of the things they’ve lost.  This requires taking on another’s pain and feeling its sting; it means sacrificing a personal dream so that others can be in a position where they can dream.  It involves settling for a less so that another can be given more.  I have watched these individuals in action and deem each one worthy of a hero party.  I also have the privilege of being part of a place that is rooted in heroism.  Dar El Awlad is a refuge and a respite.  It is a gathering of people who harbor hardships and willingly welcome the messiness of our broken world because it wants to part of the transforming work of the gospel.  We fight back tears, face our weaknesses, and daily deal with the tensions tugging within us.   Through it all we believe in God’s core mission and the universal hope that Christ has overcome the world.  Dar El Awlad is a place where the pain of displacement is received because we know the One who can make all things new, and I highly suggest you come see it for yourself if you ever wish to see one shining example of heroism. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Faith Written on Reading Boys

These two boys give me faith.  Both are 12 years old and come from a Dom community in South Lebanon, one of the most marginalized ethnographic groups in the country.  Their poverty ticks nearly all the variables on the child vulnerability checklist.  One of the boys entered the New Horizon Center Literacy Program last year having never been to school before (even though his older brother had).  Apparently his parents weren’t willing to spend the $20 a month bus fee to send him to the public school, which is an explanation I hear from many parents in the community for not sending their children to schools.  Consequently, the first decade of his life passed without any structured education.  The other boy had been to school before.  It was a residential program where the treatment was so malicious that he refused to continue.  He opted for a life void of education rather than endure the nightmare of abusive school.  The trauma was apparent when I first invited him to the New Horizons Center; the very suggestion of schooling filled him with a visible fear.  He did end up giving our program a chance this year- along with his younger brother who the parents didn’t even bother sending to school- and within days he realized that the center is a very different type of place.  Both of these boys have been faithful in their attendance and participation, and their teacher recently shared about how excited she is to see the strides they are making in reading.  They too are rightfully pleased with themselves. 

I personally have found the significance of literacy most apparent when I listen to those who are illiterate.  I hear about how a whole world of engagement is unreachable because they cannot turn written words into communication.  I’ve heard about the practical challenges-such as the chore of keeping contacts in a mobile phone or trying to pursue a romantic relationship without the advantage of texting- but the more daunting challenge is the psychological shame of existing in this world unequipped with one of the essential abilities granted to mankind: written language.  Hopefully these two boys and their classmates in the New Horizons Center will be spared illiteracy’s misfortune.  They’re on the right track.

Even so, I worry for these boys.  They are excited about learning now, but I fear what waits in the years ahead.  They will start putting off of childish ways as they develop towards adolescence, both physically and mentally.  Their interests will change, as will the pressures felt from within and around them.  Their standing in the community will take new shape and resistances to education will likely fight against the will to continue learning. I worry too because our work with these children is, admittedly, limited.  While we offer a crucial service, I acknowledge how much it pales in comparison to the extent of their marginalization.  Nearly every area of their wellbeing is undermined by forces of poverty, and each visit to their community reminds me of how unprepared and unequipped I am to address the issues facing them.  It is oftentimes overwhelming, but it is not defeating.

The scriptures frequently show us that Jesus exalted little things.  He entered the world via a small nation lacking power and prestige.  He spoke of his budding kingdom as being the littlest of mustard seeds and the smallest portions of yeast (Luke 13:18-21).  He gathered together a small band of followers- in fact his rhetoric almost seemed intentional in winnowing the numbers in his company (John 6:60-66).  Little children were heralded as true demonstrators of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 1913-15) and it was the widow’s mites that Jesus declared the richest offering (Luke 21:1-4).  Christ came embracing the little things and ended up transforming everything.  In this we can take comfort in the old adage, “little is much when God is in it.” 

Still, we ask God for big things.  We desire to expand in all areas and produce bounties of good fruit that glorify God.  We want to see the number of lives wrought by injustice and sin diminished to nil.  We won’t be idle until every person actualizes the dignity and honor that God bestows unconditionally on him and her.  However, this hopeful spirit does not change the reality that what we seek is not always what we find, nor can we ever fully harness our powers to bring about every change we wish see.  We follow the Messiah but we are not messiahs; our offerings are but a currency’s mites charged against a bill of millions.  Yet this is enough because it is offered to God, and God is enough.  The results are in His hands.

I don’t know what the future holds for these two boys or how our program will change the course of their lives.  Will it indeed open new horizons for their futures?  It’s hard to measure these things but it’s not hard to believe.  We keep in mind that the faith fruits of our labors may not be harvested until the lives of their children and their children’s children unfold.  Like the men and women celebrated in the book of Hebrews, we don’t always see the results hoped for in front of us but by faith we see and welcome them from a distance. (Hebrews 11:13)  On most days that is good enough, but some days it’s really, really nice to simply see two 12-year-olds in a caring center enthusiastically putting letters together and creating words. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

College Bound: Enough Faith to Fill Texas

I’ve shared about Ochinga a number of times here, here and here.  We spent ten years together at Dar El Awlad and he has made appearances in this blog more than others boys.  This could be because his journey has taken many compelling twists and turns.  Or this could be because he is….Ochinga.  (Those who know him are nodding their heads)  He is a special young man.  I rarely have encountered a person who faces the walls in front of him or her with such conviction that God will open up a way to good things on the other side.  Ochinga’s challenges haven’t been mere inconveniences; they’ve been the kind of circumstances so unfair and unfortunate that they could stifle one's hope for a future all together.  Time and again I’ve seen the barriers in front of him and said, “This will be the time he is disappointed,” and time and again I’ve seen things fall his way.  I will not doubt anymore.

Yesterday I dropped Ochinga off at the Beirut airport to embark on a new adventure of college in the U.S. in Waxahachie Texas.  Obviously this is not something that just happens but is the result of dreaming big dreams and being determined to see them through.  You won’t be surprised to hear that I considered the likelihood of this working out for Ochinga next to nil.  After all, he needed a college acceptance, money for tuition and travel, a visa to the U.S. and many other requirements met in order for this to happen.  Lo and behold God has provided, just as Ochinga expected.  I don’t think he knows what he’s getting into (neither does Waxahachie!!!) but it is not an unfamiliar story.  I too have been a young man heading to college in Texas with more than enough insecurity to fill a dorm room and just enough sense of mind to get to the right classes on time.   It turned out to be a wonderful 4-year adventure for me (thanks mainly to the people God put around me), and no doubt Ochinga will have the time of his life as well.

I’m proud to say I’ve been a part of getting Ochinga to this point but realize I am only one of many who have helped him in the journey.  He has developed a vast network through Kids Alive, his church, local NGO’s, his schools, youth groups, and personal relations, and he has valued every contribution extended to him.  It’s no wonder that Ochinga is planning to study social work; he is a product of collective compassion and he’s planning to make a nice return on the investment other have made in him.  The recent development of college in Texas is something I can take no credit for.  There are others who have helped make this dream a reality and many others will no doubt be part of seeing the reality fully realized.  As for me, I felt compelled to deliver Ochinga to the airport if not just to hear one more time the silent, tender voice in my mind say, “oh ye of little faith.”

Bon Voyage Ochinga!  Thanks for teaching us what faith looks like.  Be blessed as you journey on.  We’ll be watching with pride and joy!