Sunday, May 22, 2016

The DEA Rite: our Annual Fundraiser Banquet

Last night Dar El Awlad hosted its annual Fundraiser Banquet.  This year was a special occasion as Kids Alive International celebrates 100 years of service.  A great deal of work goes into the planning and execution of the event, but significantly more encouragement comes out of it.  Every year our children and staff are blessed by the large show of support from individuals, churches and groups from the local community.  It’s never the fanciest affair in but it certainly has a lot of heart (and I must admit that we do play dress-up pretty well).

Everyone involved in the banquet looks at some part of it above the others, whether that’s the decorations, the sound and lighting, the taste of the food or the interactions with guests.  For me, I look at one thing: getting things on and off the tables.  For the past nine years I have overseen our Dar El Awlad’s team of servers.  The boys look forward each year to the opportunity to become waiters for a table (or two) during the dinner; it has become a rite of passage.   Each year I thoroughly explain all the procedures very carefully of serving a four-course meal (don’t run, speak politely to guests, remove plates but not the forks, DO NOT ENTER THE KITCHEN!, etc….) but always the energy that comes with welcoming over 200 guests send the boys into a bit of a whirl.  Following procedure often gives way to following impulse.  Yet without fail, commotion manages flow together and the end result is satisfied guests with filled stomachs and uplifted hearts.  Thanks to all who helped make this year’s banquet another great memory in the long history of Dar El Awlad.  Visit our Facebook page to see more pictures.

Preparing tables

Our servers in action

The Stairs!!!!  Our greatest hazard between the kitchen and banquet hall.

One of a dozen dishes we served

One of our oldest residents shared about his story and his dreams

A full house of support and encouragement

Not all the children could be servers, but their day will come.