Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Citizenship: essential to all, elusive to many

Daniel has citizenship!  While this may not be widely viewed as an achievement worthy of celebration, I am personally quite relieved that this status has been bestowed upon my child.  It’s something that will have immense implications on the rest of his life.

Citizenship is widely viewed as something automatically handed out at birth.  This is often the case since most take the citizenship of the nation-state in which they were born or inherit the citizenship of a parent.  It’s not uncommon for someone to be born into two or more forms of citizenship.  While some go through a naturalization process later in life and add a new citizenship, the initial acquisition almost certainly occurred in our infancy and we likely have given little thought as to how we came to possess this highly significant component of our life and experience in this world. 

However, citizenship is never actually automatic.  Each nation-state has its own set of complex legal parameters to open and close pathways to its nationality-and nationality is the key issue here because it is the legal basis for assigning citizenship. Nationality laws determine who can receive official membership to a nation and who cannot, and laws have a nature of being tragically stringent.

Ruth, a fully fledged Lebanese, gave birth to our children in Lebanon.  Like many countries, Lebanon does not apply jus soli, meaning it does not grant citizenship to everyone born within its territory.  Unfortunately, Lebanese law is also rooted in gender discrimination and does not allow women married to foreign men to transmit citizenship to their children. (One must have a Lebanese father in order to be considered Lebanese)  Therefore the only citizenship my children had access to was that of the United States, my country of nationality.  Even so, achieving this citizenship for Daniel was by no means straightforward.  The complex process involved the following steps (with their costs):

1.      Receive a birth notice from the hospital and signed by doctor
2.      Complete a formal birth certificate document issued by mayor of the town of birth ($13)
3.      Certify birth certificate at the local office of personal registry ($3)
4.      Certify birth certificate at the regional office of personal registry ($14)
This step required presenting the following proofs of documentation:   
      Father’s passport
      Father’s residency permit
      Mother’s identification document
      Marriage certificate

5.      Translate birth certificate from Arabic to English ($30(discounted!!!))
6.      Certify birth certificate at the Ministry of Exterior
7.      Submit application for citizenship to American Embassy ($205)
Since I am the lone U.S. citizen parent I had to provide proof of five years of physical presence in the U.S. with two of the years being after the age of 14.  If I had not established a physical presence in the U.S. or if I could not provide proof of a presence, my son, by law, may not have been able to acquire my American citizenship. 
As we see here, citizenship did not come automatically to Daniel.  It had to be achieved through a rather complicated (and relatively costly) process.  If I had failed to complete this process my son would be effectively stateless.  He would exist but, in the absence of legal papers, would claim no official belonging to any nation-state, and thus not belong in this world.  Naturally this would affect all areas of his life.  He would have no legal identity and would not have access to countless services, experiences and opportunities.  (Just imagine that you lost every form of identification documents you have and then tried forge a life.  It would not go very well.)
I’m very thankful that my own children’s plight with statelessness is a theoretical case of what could have been rather than what is.  Sadly, for millions of children around the world, and many hundreds of thousands within Lebanon, statelessness is an everyday reality.  There are countless children whose births have never been registered or processed in nationalization (oftentimes due to the conditions of poverty and marginalization they are born into).  They do not actualize their right to citizenship and have no recognized identity.  Other children are victims of chronic statelessness as a stateless generation yields stateless generation; the legal absence of safeguards and reforms means they have no path to becoming part of any country.
Many of the children we serve at Kids Alive Lebanon are trapped in statelessness.  Our ministry provides services and care that these precious lives would not be able to otherwise receive, such as education and legal protection. The opportunities we can provide are truly life-transforming, but without the possession of legal documentation these children will always face areality of not belonging, of not existing in the way all people are meant to exist in this world. 
The great hope in the face of such a massive injustice is that God does not follow our world’s ways.  He ushered a kingdom where belonging is based on the Spirit and not a piece of paper, and all are invited to enjoy the fullness of membership.  In fact, it is exactly the excluded that receive His keenest consideration.  The injustice we see in this world will not endure and God promises to rectify wrongs and establish right.  Until that is fully experienced we can do our part to extend dignity and humanity to all people.  Working towards creating a world where every person enjoys the privilege of citizenship is a part of this mission.  I do not look lightly at the citizenship I boast or the citizenship my own two children have been granted, and I will never forget that there are millions of others who long for this recognition.
For more information on statelssness please visit the U.N. #IBelong and the Institute of Statelessness and Inclusion.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Graduation Celebration

Last week we celebrated something that doesn’t happen often here but sure feels rewarding when it does: a graduation for one of our boys.  Ochinga had been at Dar El Awlad for 11 years and last month he reached the end of high school and the end of his time in the residential program.  We are very proud of him.  The road has not been easy but he has consistently worked hard and seized opportunities; the sheer fact that he has even been provided opportunities at all is a testimony of God’s grace.  This has not fallen unnoticed to Ochinga.  He has been keenly aware of God’s hand in his life and His expression of love through the kindness and goodwill of others. 

Ochinga is one of only two boys in the residential program to have arrived at DEA before me and I have seen him grow over the past 10 years from boyhood to manhood.  For the past three years I supervised him in the Bell House (our Independent Living Program) and there is consensus among all his caregivers that he is equipped with what he needs to move beyond our care and live independently.  He loves this place and the people here, but naturally he is ready to spread his wings.  As much as seeing our boys gain an education and acquire life skills is important to us, we are especially thrilled to know that Ochinga has taken a decision of faith, is walking with Christ and is involved in the church.  It’s a true success story for us, and a reminder that what we do at Dar El Awlad does have the power to transform lives.  By God’s grace it has happened, is happening and will happen.

Ochinga still faces many challenges.  He has not yet settled on a university for his next stage of studies.  One particular challenge is his status as a foreigner in Lebanon. Even though he was born here and has lived here all his life, his status is not secure and at any point he may have to return to his “home country,” which is a country that is very foreign to him.  Despite the challenges, Ochinga maintains his trademark optimism and unwavering faith that God will work things for good.  God always has, and we have no reason to doubt that He will.  It will be a joy to continue to watch the journey unfold, and we are glad that we have had the chance to be a part of it.  Well done Ochinga, keep going!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Open Air, Dinner Affair

Last weekend we held our annual fundraiser dinner and managed to put together a rather classy, successful affair.  It was my 11th time being part of this event, but for all of us it was the first time to host outside in the open air.  It took a great deal of work on all ends of the dinner (especially the task of getting the site in shape), but in the end all came together and around 300 guests and participants enjoyed the evening together.

A basketball court doesn't simply turn into a reception hall, but with lots of work and creativity it can become a fancy little venue.

School children formed a choir

The residential children performed a play about our individual value and uniqueness.

The special guest speaker was Henry Bell, who with his wife, Nancy, directed Dar El Awald throughout the 90s.  Here past director and current director, Joseph Ghattas, share the stage.

My main contribution to each fundraiser dinner is coordinating our crew of servers.  We've never hosted this many people (and we've never felt the pressure as much as we did this time) but it all went fine in the end.  The team did a good job.

but But the real heroes are the ones nobody sees!  

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Book Release: "Strangers in the Kingdom: Ministering to Refugees, Migrants, and the Stateless"

The last few years has brought me face-to-face with the mounting dilemma of human displacement.  Large parts of this are due to my work with Kids Alive Lebanon, my connection to a large family network of Syrian refugees, and my personal interest in topic of statelessness. While this problem contains a myriad of dimensions, I firmly believe that faith dimensions reveal the implications of the crisis not only as it is now in the 21st Century but as it always has been throughout human history.  This is what Rupen Das and I explore in our newly-published book, Strangers in the Kingdom: Ministering to Refugees, Migrants and the Stateless. 

All of us at some point have been strangers, and everyone has experienced the discomfort that comes with being out of place.  While this usually involves a series of momentary inconveniences, today historic numbers refugees, migrants and stateless individuals (more than an estimated 65 million) have seen their entire lives reduced to the unrelenting condition of being in a constant state of “stranger.”  It’s the tragedy at the heart of the global displacement crisis.  Our world is struggling mightily to cope with the fallout of displaced populations, and reactions to this global flux are yielding profound ramifications at political, legal, social and economic levels.  Yet God speaks directly to the phenomenon of displacement and its brutal undermining of human life.  The Bible laments the injustices facing refugees, migrants, and stateless individuals but protests against a narrative of misery by declaring a narrative of hope.  God's kingdom performs the dual function of confronting injustice with active compassion and inviting “strangers” into the most meaningful place of belonging.  But what does this look like practically?  Where do we see this in the Bible?  Why should people of faith care about the displaced?

These are questions Rupen Das and I examine in Strangers in the Kingdom.  The work is a nuanced practical theology meant to inform the Church’s mission to engage the displaced with the love of Christ.  We discuss core teachings of scripture that speak to the realities facing refugees, migrants and stateless individuals all while exploring God’s compassionate heart for the suffering.  Strangers in the Kingdom applies various methods, including:

  • -         Information and analysis on the global context, scope and categories of displacement (refugee, IDP, migrant, & stateless)
  • -          Survey of Old Testament and New Testament teachings on displacement and Early Christianity experiences with the displaced. 
  • -          Theological exploration of place and belonging.
  • -          Human testimonies of displacement.
  • -          Case studies of churches and organizations ministering to the displaced.
  • -          Discussion questions.

It has been a pleasure to work with Rupen Das on this book.  He was an influential instructor and supervisor in my graduate studies and his teachings have profoundly influenced my own personal faith and ministry (I strongly suggest Compassion and the Mission of God for a robust study on God’s concern for the poor).  Likewise, everyone at Langham Literature has proven to be top-notch in their professionalism and commitment to supporting the global church through the production and distribution of literature.  I have learned a great deal in the process of writing this book and am ever grateful for the invitation to be part of the effort.

Strangers in the Kingdom has never just been about addressing an issue or a dilemma but rather about turning our minds and hearts to the countless inspiring individuals who face displacement with firm faith and steady grace.  Our desire is simply to help steer this important discussion deeper into the reality of every displaced person’s humanity and higher into the boundless measures of God’s goodness and hope.  It is individual people that make this book meaningful to me and I pray that that this book will in some small way be meaningful to the Church as we walk out in our mission to be people of the kingdom.  I’m excited to share this book with you and look forward to hearing your feedback and responses.

God’s Peace,
Brent Hamoud

Strangers in the Kingdom is available at all major bookselling sites, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  For special or bulk orders please contact the publishers at  

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Home Again, Finally.

After 11 long days we are glad to have finally welcomed Daniel home with us.  He responded well to the treatment in the hospital and made steady progress during his time in the NICU.  Ruth and I were fortunate to be able to visit him a couple of times a day (the hospital is only 10 minutes from our home).  Only parents are allowed in the NICU, however, so there have been many others eagerly waiting to see, hold and get to know the little guy.  Yasmine has been especially interested in, and perhaps confused about,  baby Daniel.  For months she was told that her little brother is on the way and then she was told that he arrived.  But she wasn’t ready to believe what she couldn't see with her own eyes and touch with her own hands; even the empty tummy didn't convince this Doubting Thomas.  (Yasmine would ask, "Where's Baby D?" in a way that mixed curiosity, inquiry and skepticism.)  Now Daniel is with us and the pieces of our family- mommy, daddy, sister and brother- are in tact.  My parents have arrived in Lebanon since his birth as well, so even all the grandparent components are on hand to help settle the baby (and occupy the no-longer-sole-center-of-attention Yasmine). 

We are so thankful for the prayers and concerns that have been directed our way from near and far.  We're blessed to be recipients of such thoughtfulness and believe that it has made a difference in Daniel’s recovery and our ability to deal with it.  No doubt many more challenges await us, but none will match the blessings we enjoy in being a little family of Hamouds within a big family of God’s children. Truly, there’s nothing in this world like family, and there’s nothing stopping us from being in the biggest, best family of them all.   

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Oh Danny Boy, we love you so.

On Friday, March 24 we welcomed Daniel James Hamoud into the world.  He arrived earlier than his due date predicted but still managed to weigh in at a fine 7 pounds. Ruth is doing great but Danny has needed a little more support.  He developed a condition called Pneumothorax, which effectively led him to suffer a collapsed right lung.  He’s in NICU in order to keep his status stable- he needs oxygen, antibiotics for infection, and IV nourishment to avoid fatigue from feeding- and will be there until his body is in shape to join us at home. 

It has naturally been frustrating to once again miss out on the experience of a natural birth and all of its newborn moments, and it’s even more frustrating to once again see our helpless child kept beyond our reach in a convoluted tangle of tubing and wiring.  After Yasmine’s birth I wrote about the mixed emotions of a “necessary separation,” and passing through this valley once before made us stronger for this next passage.  Even so, it’s not the way anyone wishes to welcome a child into this world.

More than the frustration, however, is the acknowledgement of blessing and fortune we receive.  Medical skills, technology and knowledge have given our children chances during the early moments of their emergent lives in ways that would not have been possible some years ago and are regrettably not available to countless people around the world.  Marginalization too often causes life to be lost nearly as soon as it shows its face.  Recognizing this makes us ever thankful for the privileged situation we enjoy in our moments of need.  At the end of the day it is thankfulness that will rule our hearts.
Births are naturally an emotional experience for all parents, and the births of our two children have invariably opened our eyes to the thin line drawn in this world between life and death.  We have needed to surrender our children into the providential hands of God’s mercy as soon as they’ve entered our hands, and we realize that this is where they always have been and ever shall remain.  It is indeed a comforting truth.  Greater still is the truth that the amazing, saving grace of God shown in Jesus Christ means that the line between life and death is but a temporary barrier that will someday be swallowed by the victory of eternal life.  It transforms everything for us as a mother and a father to embrace our children knowing with certainty that we have the ultimate hope of being forever united in God’s heavenly, everlasting kingdom.

Daniel was an easy name to settle on for our boy.  Daniel of the Bible is model of righteousness, godliness and faithfulness, Daniels are included among our meaningful family members and friends, and Dany is a familiar name across Lebanon.  In all senses it felt like a good call.  Naturally the popular folk tune “Oh Danny Boy” was bound to take on a special significance as we added a Danny to our number, and that significance seems to have arrived sooner than expected.  As we return to the familiar things of home with our little boy still kept away, we find that the words expressing our heart have already been sung:

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,—
Oh Danny boy, Oh Danny Boy, I love you so!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Hobbit, refugees and a response to displacement

Much is being said these days about refugees.  Policy makers and courts are weighing in on government positions and media outlets (both social and news sources) are filled with a cacophony of voices making every seemingly imaginable argument letting refugees in or keeping them out.  There is no shortage of commentary on the subject; I have written about it on a number of occasions, including posts here and here.  The topical swirl of sense and nonsense can easily drive us to cynical confusion, but perhaps a lens for seeing today’s displacement crisis quietly sits a Middle Earth away. 

My wife and I recently began reviewing Peter Jackson’s 3-part film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s much-endeared fantasy novel The Hobbit.  The story is simple: a homebody hobbit, Bilbo, joins a wizard and a band of dwarves on a quest to reclaim their homeland.  The heroines embark on a string of adventures and face an onslaught of internal and external challenges, which the films embellish to a highly entertaining effect.  The work is a piece of fantasy set in a time and place of pure fiction, but the themes speak directly to the events of our modern age as we see the depiction of a displaced people yearning for a place to belong.  It is a theme that tragically dominates the stories of countless individuals in our world today.

The films make a poignant portrayal of displacement’s pain.  In one scene Bilbo, frustrated by the disdain he receives from the rough and tumble dwarves, decides to sneak away in the night and return to his home.  As he prepares to depart he is stopped by the dwarf Bofur, and they share the following exchange:

Bilbo and Bofur hit the very nerve of displacement, and it is truly pitiful.  The underlining tragedy facing refugees is the unrelenting tension of being in this world but not belonging anywhere.  Their existence is one of being “unrooted;” they have fled their homes and strive to forge life in the wilderness of exile.  This is existentially harrowing.  The intention of God is for all to experience the rootedness of implacement, the very antithesis is displacement.  Our need for implacement is precisely why all of us everywhere desire a place to call home, and it is why we all hurt when we feel like we do not belong.  Whether in a refugee camp or a middle school cafeteria, a feeling of non-belonging undermines our core senses of self and security. 

The question remains, “how should we, the implaced people of this world, form an attitude towards the displaced?”  Like Bilbo, our nature is to opt for our own comfort in familiar, safe places where we remain either ignorant or unmoved by the suffering of others.  This attitude rarely causes displacement but it certainly contributes to its sting.  However, there is another way.  Our love for home can in fact lead us to a concern far beyond it.  If we truly recognize and cherish the life-giving roots of our own implacement then we can turn our hearts compassionately to those who suffer displacement.  This is a posture we later see assumed by Bilbo when he rejoins the band following a brief separation:

We can build an attitude towards refugees on any number of pillars, such as security concerns, economic interests, nationalistic sentiment, religion convictions and plain old fear.  But I believe a simple formula for addressing refugees is to be thankful for the blessings we enjoy and to extend compassion to those who find themselves less fortunate.  It’s a formula built on the very pillars of God’s ultimate law: to love God with all we have and to love others as we love ourselves.  It may be a simple concept, but it requires a considerable amount of heroism to manifest it into something practical and real.

I’m proud to be part of an organization and community that has compassionately embraced the displaced for decades.  Kids Alive Lebanon was started as a response to the Palestinian refugee crisis of 1948 and has since spent nearly 70 years serving at-risk children of all backgrounds.  New programs have been developed to specifically respond to the intensifying refugee and statelessness crises in Lebanon.  We may never be able to help others take back their homeland but through God’s grace we can point them to a different type of “homeland,” a firm reality of belonging in God’s everlasting kingdom.  It may not include settlement on any earthly soil, but it can be a home more life-giving and secure than any space this world has to offer.  Let us never grow cynical towards refugees and let us never be confused about the particular mission God has given us: to settle the displaced in this world and in a heavenly kingdom that is here and to come.