Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Discovering the Lebanon Mountain Trail

Lebanon is in the midst of a number of crises, all of which can drain the heart and tire the spirit. Among the most personally challenging of these recent issues has been the ongoing trash crisis. For the past three months Lebanon has become a wasteland of east as trash piles come and go and shift without any competent system of management.  It's a mess and sometimes it makes me a mess. But recently I was reminded of what Lebanon possesses beyond the garbage.  

The Hamouds shared a rare family gathering in Lebanon this month and most of us siblings planned couple a days of hiking along sections of the Lebanon Mountain Trail.  For the past decade, this non-profit organization has been establishing, maintaining and expanding a 480 kilometer walking trail that covers Lebanon North to South.  It captures Lebanon's natural and cultural beauty in impressive ways.  

The two sections we hiked were more than we anticipated, both in splendor and challenge.  By the end of the journey we achieved an experience marked by meaningful connections: connections with God's creation, connections with people who opened their doors and hosted us, and connections with one another.

The Lebanese Mountain Trail shows both the potential and the challenges of this country. Natural beauties abounded, but along the path we saw the forces of urban development and (trash) pollution threaten the integrity of the trail. Even so, what currently exists is a gem. I hope it will be discovered and well-kept by many, and I hope to be a frequent visitor myself.
Rising above the villages

Passing through a pine forest

The walking trail included paths, roads, and even stone walls

Rare points of tranquility in an urban country

Thank you Romans for creating this road thousands of years ago.  We are still utilizing it today!

Testaments of former times are found throughout the way.

Off the beaten track

A place for reflection among reflections

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