Friday, December 18, 2015

A Genuine Word

I work in a field where a genuine word is, surprisingly, hard to find.  Countless mediums are too often filled with warm and fuzzy content seeks to arouse emotional goose bumps rather than honest, sometimes-hard, discussions that arouse true conviction.  I have often been guilty of producing more than my fair share of fluff, and I’ve struggled with striking balances of sentiment and substance when explaining the context of what we do, how we do it, who we serve and the impact we seek to make.  I often get off-balance, and as an insider to this particular location (the Middle East) and vocation (missions, development), I can see that many others do as well.

So I was surprised when came across a genuine word.  It was in a familiar place (our ministry office, literally next door to me) and from a familiar voice (our national director), but the message posted in an organization newsletter was starkly unfamiliar.  Rather than appealing to clichés, simplicity and dramatics, it spoke with sincerity about what we do and I why.  Not only was I surprised to see the words, I was surprised to realize how much I needed to hear them.  Like a little corrective voice, the passage again turned the head of my heart in a direction worth pursuing.  Perhaps you will too find it a genuine word and a reminder of the purpose to continue with faith in towards the opportunities around us.

Our part of the world has been plagued by war for decades.  I lived most of my childhood through the so-called “Lebanese Civil War” that wrecked havoc in the country for 15 years.  Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost.  We were eventually driven out of our home town and forced to leave everything behind.  That was the hardest part for me.  My sense of security and belonging was gone, along with all my childhood pictures.  Carrying only scarred Memories, my hope in life was seriously shaken.
In His perfect timing, God’s children came into our lives as family providing practical help and sharing the Good News about a better future in a heavenly city.  A new sense of hope was restored in me.  I’m most grateful for the opportunity we have at Kids Alive Lebanon, not only to be God’s serving hand but also His voice that instills hope.  Pain and suffering surround us.  But our programs provide a safe haven for the precious children who have been entrusted into our care.  Their needs are met and their eyes opened to the love and salvation that God has in store for them.
Our ministry embraces street kids, refugee children, orphans, and those who suffer from abuse or neglect.  They all find the care that every child, created in God’s image, deserves.  At the Oasis, using our limited resources, we’ve embarked on an exciting adventure with the Lord to make a difference in the lives of 60 Syrian refugee children. We’ve been learning together with the children that nothing is impossible with God.  They have come to appreciate the Word and they love to sing songs of praise which lift them above the ugliness of war and its horrors.  We appreciate all those who share the same vision and help us accomplish great things for God!”
Joseph Ghattas
Field Director, Lebanon

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